OVAL Board


The OVAL Board is an advisory body, which provides valuable input on OVAL to the Moderator (currently MITRE). While it is important to have organizational support for OVAL, it is the individuals who sit on the OVAL Board and their input and activity that truly make a difference. The Board’s primary responsibilities are to work with the Moderator and the Community to define OVAL, to provide input into OVAL’s strategic direction, and to advocate OVAL in the Community.

Each OVAL Board member is expected to meet the following requirements:

In addition to the above requirements, an OVAL Board member is expected to look for opportunities to include OVAL in his or her organization’s products.

In an effort to guard against organizational bias, a single organization may be represented by a maximum of two individuals with the expectation that one individual would be focused on strategic direction and the other individual would be focused more on technical decisions.

If you are interested in becoming an OVAL Board member email oval@cisecurity.org. Potential members should be participants in the Community before looking to join the OVAL Board. The OVAL Moderator has the final say regarding membership.

Upcoming Meetings

View current, emeritus, and previous OVAL Board members

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View OVAL Board process documentation for participating as a member of the OVAL Board, Board voting, and managing the OVAL Board.

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