In adding new members to the OVAL Board, it is important to remember that a single organization is limited to at most two (2) seats on the OVAL Board and that the proportional balance among the board's membership (tool vendors, operating system vendors, etc.) should be maintained.
A prospective OVAL Board member ("prospect") is identified, typically through one of the following scenarios:
The prospect is evaluated by the OVAL Moderator through one or more discussions. At least one discussion, an "interview," is held face-to-face or by phone.
Based on these discussions, the OVAL Moderator determines if the prospect is qualified to be an OVAL Board member, and the process moves to the OVAL Board Feedback step.
The OVAL Moderator solicits feedback from the OVAL Board in order to determine if the prospect should be granted membership on the OVAL Board.
If the prospect is approved by the OVAL Board after the Feedback step, then the OVAL Moderator adds the prospect as a full member to the Board.
If a current OVAL Board member switches roles within an organization and serving on the OVAL Board no longer makes sense, they must notify the OVAL Moderator. Upon notification, the OVAL Board member will be given an opportunity to nominate a new member to represent the organization. This prospective member will be vetted in accordance with the Adding New Members Process.
The current OVAL Board member will be considered for recognition as a former OVAL Board member under the guidelines stated in the Recognition of Former Members section of OVAL Board Member Roles, Tasks, and Qualifications.
If a current OVAL Board member is going to leave an organization, they must notify the OVAL Moderator. Upon notification, the current OVAL Board member will be given two options.
In either case, the organization that is losing representation on the OVAL Board will be given an opportunity to nominate a new prospective member that will be vetted in accordance with the Adding New Members Process.
If two or more organizations represented on the OVAL Board go through a merger, their representation on the OVAL Board must be refactored such that they are not overrepresented. It is left to the merging organizations to decide how to bring their organization in alignment with the two-seat limit. Merging organizations will be given at least two (2) months to determine how they will be represented.
If the OVAL Moderator has evidence that an OVAL Board member is not fulfilling their agreed to responsibilities, they may be removed from the OVAL Board. The following process defines the steps that the OVAL Moderator must follow in order to revoke the membership of a current OVAL Board member.